GMT online transferring and exchange facility has been serving to folks to send Money to India

Sensible Reasons Why You Must Transfer Your Money With Us .

No transfer charge

yes folks, that's right, there aren't any transfer fees over $2,500 to any bank account in India (Using our on-line portal solely GMTRemit2india)

Stunning rates of exchange in the market

frequently updated to offer you the most effective potential price for on-line or alternative services.

Total reliability and security offer

we are specliased transfer service provider to India

Instant money

you'll be using our on-line service to send Money to India

On-line money transfer to India

yes folks, that's right, there aren't any transfer fees over $2,500 to any bank account in India (Using our on-line portal solely GMTRemit2india)


* For any enquries please
Contact 1300 783 036

Let's Get Started

Please Note:

We do not accept payment via cash or cheque (accept only Internet Transfer). If a payment is made to us via a cash or cheque deposit, we are required to return the funds to the bank account from which they originally came. You will be asked to provide supporting documents in these instances and will still need to initiate a separate payment to us to settle any booked deals. This can cause lengthy delays with your payment/s.

How does GMT transfer work?

1. Create your payment instruction

First you create a payment instruction on our website. You just tell us how much you're transferring and where you want us to send it to.

2. Transfer funds to Gmt Money local bank account

Once you have created your payment instruction you then need to transfer the payment total to the local bank account where you are. This is a domestic internet banking transfer and you will not be charged for this by your bank.

3. Payment made to recipient

Once we have received your cleared deposit, into our local account, we will make the payment to your beneficiary. In most cases payment is completed in 1-2 working day after funds have been received.

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