Welcome to Gmt  Money Transfer.  Most of the questions are answered in this FAQ section. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
1. What do you do?
2. How much money can I send?
3. Are you regulated?
4. Is my money safe?
5. What are your commissions?
6. How is it that your rate lower than other competitors?
7. Can I send money through this website?
8. Can I Pay using Cash or Credit card ?
9. How can I contact you?
10.Do you Exchange Currency or cheques?

1. What do you do?
We are a Australian MSB  Austrac Registered company who can transfer and deliver monies to your family in India directly.

2. How much money can I send?
Any amount can be sent to a bank account,we need additional proof of funds if you required higher amount to be transfered

3. Are you regulated?
Gmt  Money Transfer is fully regulated with Austrac.  We have a license that is required by the law in Australia. 

4. Is my money safe?
Naturally one of the key and most important questions! Yes your money is completely safe during transition. Our method of transfer is one of the safest and most reliable around. 

5. What are your commissions?
Zero Commission when customer does online($2500 transfer limit apply's).we charge $5.00 if the transaction is performed by our operator.
Please note-Banks may charge Corresponding fees which vary  from country-country

6. How is your rate lower than other competitors?
By cutting out the middle men we have lower rates than most of our competitors. This coupled with the utilisation of modern technology in all the key facets of our business means that we cut the costs and pass the savings onto the customer.

7. Can I send money through this website?
Yes,If you Regsiter with Us.

8. Can I Pay using Cash or Credit card ?

 NO, sorry we accept only bank transfer via Poli payment.

9. How can I contact you?
By phone, email. The details are on the contact page.

10.Do you Exchange Currency?
No, sorry We are Do not Exchange  any currency nor cheques?


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